Guide Page
Japanese Stud Book Database on the Internet
1 . Japanese Stud Book Database service
Japanese Stud Book Database service (referred as to "the Service") provides you with stud book information through the website operated by Japan Association for International Racing and Stud Book. You can consider it as an internet version of printed stud book.
The Service is available 24 hours and you can access latest information on thoroughbred. Please see Sample Page for the details of the contents.
2 . Use of the Service
Please carefully read “Important Note” again before using Japanese Stud Book Database service.
3 . Browser
It is recommended to use latest version of Google Chrome. If browser is lower, screen may not be displayed or some function may not be operated properly.
Please use cookie. Resolution of over 800 x 600 and medium font shall be suited.
4 . Breeding Record Included
Included are breeding records recorded in the Japanese Stud Book Volume 13 through Volume 19 and of 2002 and onwards, total of 315,566 records.
5 . Horses Included
Horses included are registered foals and breeding stock and horses not registered in Japan but appeared in their pedigrees, total of 280,126 horses.
- Foal Registration
- Registration as Breeding Stock
- Horses Not Registered in Japan but Appeared in Their Pedigrees
Registered foals born in 1982 and onwards, total of 185,320 foals.
Registered stallions of 2,797, and broodmares of 60,070, total of 62,867 horses.
> 7,020 stallions and 24,919 broodmares, total of 31,939 horses.
Menu Item
1 . Statistics
By choosing required item, you can see statistics with a span of 5 years.
You can go forward or backward by one year or five years.
- Broodmare's Breeding Record
- The Number of Registered Foals by Place of Birth
- The Number of Newly Registered Breeding Stock
- The Number of Imported Horses
- The Number of Exported Horses
2 . Broodmare's Breeding Record
By entering the name of broodmare, you can see information on the broodmare and her breeding records.
When entering the name of broodmare, you shall enter at least first two letters of the name, so all the broodmares starting with these two letters will be listed and you can choose the broodmare whose information you want to see from the list.
3 . Registered Foals by Sire
By choosing year of birth of foals and entering the name of stallion, all the foals born in that year and sired by that stallion will be listed. By choosing a foal, you can see the information on the foal.
When entering the name of sire, you shall enter at least first two letters of the name, so all the stallion starting with these two letters will be listed and you can choose the stallion whose information you want to see from the list.
4 . Imported/Exported Horses
By choosing year and type, you can see all the imported or exported horses fallen into the categories you choose. Also, by entering the name of stallion or broodmare, you can see all the imported or exported horses sired by the stallion or produced by the broodmare.
5 . Stallions Standing
By choosing year, you can see the list of all the stallions stood in that year. By choosing a stallion, you can see the information on the stallion and link to breeding records (Registered Foals by Sire and Broodmares/Stallions by Sire).
6 . Broodmares/Stallions by Sire
By choosing sex and entering name of stallion, all the broodmares and stallions sired by that stallion will be listed. By choosing a broodmare or a stallion, you can see the information on the broodmare or the stallion.
When entering the name of sire, you shall enter at least first two letters of the name, so all the stallion starting with these two letters will be listed and you can choose the stallion whose information you want to see from the list.
1 . Multiple Covering
Name of sire shown by italic letter in the breeding record means the broodmare was covered by multiple stallions. Only the last covering stallion is shown by italic letter.
2 . Breeding Record of the Year in which Application for Foal Registration is not submitted *
Breeding record is based on the report from breeder (Return of Mare).
3 . Breeding Record of the Year in which Foal Registration is not completed #
Breeding record is based on Application for Foal Registration.
4 . Vehicle Mare
A non-thoroughbred broodmare can be promoted to vehicle status when unanimous decision is obtained at the International Stud Book Committee. A broodmare who obtains vehicle status is called vehicle mare and her foals produced by the mating with thoroughbred can be registered as thoroughbred.
Information on horse
1 . Information on horse
- Country Code Suffix
- Date of Birth
- Sex
- Color
- Family Number
- Three Generation Pedigree
- Breeder
- Closed Record
- Stud Book Reference
Suffix follows the name of the horse to show the country of birth.
Date of Birth of the horse is shown.
Sex of the horse is shown. Gelding is not shown.
Color of the horse (chestnut, bay, dark bay, brown, black, gray or white) is shown.
Family number is shown for the horses imported into Japan since 1986.
Three generation pedigree of female line is shown.
Breeder of the horse is shown.
Died, Put out of Stud, or Exported are shown with the date of occurrence.
Stud Book Reference (volume and page) is shown for the horses imported into 1984
2 . Breeding Record
- Year
- Date of Birth
- Color
- Sex
- Name
- Sire
- Breeder
Breeding records since 1982 are shown year by year.
Date of Birth of the foal is shown.
Color of the foal (chestnut, bay, dark bay, brown, black, gray or white) is shown.
Gelding is not specified.
Registered name is shown. Registered name is shown by gothic letter if the horse is registered as breeding stock.
Sire of the foal is shown.
Breeder of the foal is shown.
3 . Foal's Import/Export History as Breeding Stock
When Foal was exported (and returned), year of birth, name, date of export/import, country exported to or imported from are shown.
4 . History of Movement as Breeding Stock
History of movement, such as exported (and returned), is shown.